Commons. Between Dreams and Reality addresses how cooperation and collective actions might influence political and economic realities. At its core, it focuses on the practical life of commons and commoning practices, their factors of growth and transformative potential, as well as on the challenges and contradictions which they face. The book examines the commons in relationship with their local environment and how they can become a tool for the economic sustainability of culture. The aim is to articulate an analysis and look at how commons are addressed by institutions and communities in policy-making and everyday practices.

Editor: Maria Francesca De Tullio

Authors: Ana Sofia Acosta Alvarado, Marcela Arreaga, Michel Bauwens, Michele Bee, Marjolein Cremer, Margherita D’Andrea, Sofia de Juan, Maria Francesca De Tullio, Sergi Frías Hernández, Pascal Gielen, Hablarenarte, Giuseppe Micciarelli, José Rodríguez, Will Ruddick, Evi Swinnen, Violante Torre, Laure-Anne Vermaercke

Proof reader: Gavin Cowper

Publisher: Creative Industry Košice, 2020

Graphic design: Katarína Rybnická, Katkat

Printer house: Vienala, Košice, Slovakia

Published: February 1, 2020

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