'Policy Analysis and Recommendations’  has laid the ground for a new vision on decision-making, one that takes culture as the foundation, inclusiveness and a better quality of life for all citizens. The Analysis brings together the outputs and the outcomes of the CCSC project, and shares the key learnings from the project partners. The Recommendations, based on these core principles, are made for the EU for the support and recognition of commons at the local and EU level. They advocate for the use of the commons as a policy framework that can reinforce the much-needed connection between the local and EU level.

Authors: Marjolein Cremer (Senior Advocacy Officer, European Cultural Foundation), Maria Francesca De Tullio (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Antwerp), Pascal Gielen (Professor of Sociology of Culture & Politics, University of Antwerp), Violante Torre (Policy Officer, European Cultural Foundation)

Contributors: Marcela Arreaga (partner at Holon), Markel Cormenzana (partner at Holon) and Sergi Frías (Lab manager, CoboiLab)

Proof reader: Gavin Cowper

Editing: Vicky Anning

Graphic design: Katarína Rybnická, Katkat

Printer house: Vienala, Košice, Slovakia 

ISBN: 978-90-6282-071-9

Published: February 1, 2021
