President: Ass. Professor Karen-Margrethe Lindskov Simonsen, Aarhus University, litkms[at]
Vice-President: Professor Mark Bennion Sandberg, Department of Scandinavian and Department of Film and Media, University of California, Berkeley
Secretary: Prof. Helga Mitterbauer, Chaire de Littérature allemande, Département de Langues et Lettres, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Treasurer: Professor Dirk Van Hulle, Department of Literature, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Prof. Susana Isabel Arsénio Nunes Costa Araújo, FCT Senior Researcher with teaching and management responsibilities (CEC, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon (FLUL)
Prof. Peter Arnds, Professor of German and Italian, Head of Italian Studies, Directo of the M.Phil Programme in Comparative Literature, Trinity College, Dublin
Prof. Santanu Das, Professor of Modern Literature and Culture and Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford
Prof. Massimo Fusillo, Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature, Università de l'Aquila
Prof. Jeanne E. Glesener, Associate Professor for Luxembourgish Literatures at the Institute of Luxembourgish Linguistics, Head of the Institute of Luxembourgish Language and Literature, University of Luxembourg
Prof. Dr Dirk Göttsche, Professor of German, Nottingham University
Prof. Stefan Helgesson, Professor of English Literary Studies, Department of English, Stockholm University
Prof. Margaret-Anne Hutton, Prof. of French and Comparative Literature / Director of the Institute for Contemporary and Comparative Literature, University of St Andrews
Prof. Paulo de Medeiros, Professor of Modern and Contemporary World Literature, Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, Unviersity of Warwick
Prof. Florian Mussgnug, Professor of Comparative Literature and Italian Studies, School of European Languages, Culture and Society, University College London, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Birgit Neumann, Chair of Anglophone Literatures and Literary Translation, University of Düsseldorf
Prof. Galin Tihanov, Comparative Literature, Queen Mary University of London
A Comparative Literary History of Modern Slavery, Karen-Margrethe Simonsen (Aarhus University), Madeleine Dobie (Columbia University), Mads Anders Baggesgaard (Aarhus University)
Toward a Comparative History of the Literary Draft in Europe, Dirk van Hulle (University of Antwerp)
A Comparative Intermedial History of Literature in tbe Baroque Age, Massimo Fusillo (University of L’Àquila), and Helga Mitterbauer (University of Brussels)
Latin Literatures in Medieval and Early Modern Times inside and outside Europe. A millennium history, Francesco Stella (Università degli Studi di Siena, Dipartimento di Filologia e Critica delle letterature antiche e moderne), Via Roma 56, 53100 Siena - Italy, Tel. 0577 234855 (int. 4855), Fax 0577 234839
Nordic Literatures, Steven Sondrup (Dept. of Comparative Literature, Brigham Young University, USA), Mark Sandberg (Film Studies, University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Transatlantic Literatures, Jean-Marc Moura (Université Paris Ouest, Nanterre La Défense, France)
Landscapes of Realism: Rethinking Literary Realism(s) in Global Comparative Perspective, Dirk Göttsche (University of Nottingham)
Trans-Culture: Literature and Migration in Europe since the 1950s, Fridrun Rinner (Comparative Literature, Université Aix-Marseille, France), Myriam Geiser (Département d’allemand, Université de Grenoble, France), Jeanne E. Glesener (Institut de langue et de littératures luxembourgeoises, Université du Luxembourg), Helga Mitterbauer (Département de Langues et Lettres, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), Franca Sinopoli (Dipartimento di Italinaistica e Spettacolo, « La Sapienza », University of Rome, Italy), Sandra Vlasta (Gutenberg-Institut für Weltliteratur und schriftorientierte Medien, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany)