Volumes and Reviews
All published with John Benjamins: https://benjamins.com/catalog/chlel.
- XXXVI. A Comparative Literary History of Modern Slavery: The Atlantic world and beyond. Volume I: Slavery, literature and the emotions. Edited by Madeleine Dobie, Mads Anders Baggesgaard and Karen-Margrethe Simonsen. 2024, xxiv, 334 pp.
- XXXV. A Comparative History of the Literary Draft in Europe. Edited by Olga Beloborodova and Dirk Van Hulle. 2024, xiv, 550 pp.
- XXXIV. Latin Literatures of Medieval and Early Modern Times in Europe and Beyond: A millennium heritage. Edited by Francesco Stella. 2024, xviii, 706 pp.
- XXXIII. Landscapes of Realism: Rethinking Literary Realism in Comparative Perspectives. Volume II: Pathways Through Realism. Edited by Svend Erik Larsen, Steen Bille Jørgensen, and Margaret R. Higonnet. 2022, xv, 780 pp.
- XXXII. Landscapes of Realism: Rethinking Literary Realism in Comparative Perspectives. Volume I: Mapping Realism. Edited by Dirk Göttsche, Rosa Mucignat, and Robert Weninger. 2021, xvii, 814 pp.
- XXXI. Nordic Literature: A Comparative History. Volume I: Spatial Nodes. Edited by Steven P. Sondrup, Mark B. Sandberg, Thomas A. DuBois and Dan Ringgaard. 2017 xvi 747 pp.
- XXX. L’Époque de la Renaissance (1400-1600): Tome II: La nouvelle culture (1480-1520). Sous la direction de Eva Kushner. 2017 viii 544 pp.
- XXIX. A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula: Volume II. Edited by César Domínguez, Anxo Abuín González and Ellen Sapega. 2016. viii, 740 pp. + index.
Reviews: Zeitschrift für Katalanistik (2019), Recherche Littéraire (2018)
- XXVIII. Or Words to That Effect: Orality and the Writing of Literary History. Edited by Daniel F. Chamberlain and J. Edward Chamberlin. 2016. vi, 317 pp.
Review: Recherche Littéraire (2017)
- XXVII. New Literary Hybrids in the Age of Multimedia Expression: Crossing Borders: Crossing Genres. Ed. Marcel Cornis-Pope. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014. 456 pp. Vol. XXVII of the Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages (CHLEL) sponsored by the International Comparative Literature Association. ISBN 978 90 272 3463 6.
Review: Recherche Littéraire (2016)
- XXVI. L’Époque de la Renaissance (1400–1600): Tome III: maturations et mutations (1520–1560). Eva Kushner, ed. Benjamins 2011. ix, 623 pp ISBN: 9027234590.
Review: Semicerchio 1-2 (2013), Recherche Littéraire (2011)
- XXV. History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Volume 4: Types and stereotypes. Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer, eds. Benjamins 2010. xii, 714 pp. ISBN-10:9027234582.
Reviews: Rampike (2011), Orbis Litterarum (2011)
- XXIV. A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula: Volume 1. Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza, Anxo AbuínGonzalez and César Domínguez, eds. Benjamins 2010. xiv, 750 pp. ISBN-10: 9027234574.
Reviews: Orbis Litterarum (2011), Book Notices (2011), Recherche Littéraire (2012), Zeitschrift für Katalanistik Revista d'Estudis Catalans volume 25 (2012), 1616: Anuario de Literatura Comparada 2 (2012)
- XXIII. Romantic Prose Fiction. Ed. Gerald Gillespie, Manfred Engel and Bernard Dieterle. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2008. 30% discount for a complete set order (5 Romanticism vols.). The editors of Romantic Prose Fiction set up a site with information about the project, click here.
Reviews: Language (2008), New Literary History (2008), Neohelicon (2008), Comparatist (2009), iasl (2009), Modern Language Review (2009), Orbis Litterarum (2009), Neohelicon (2009), Monatshefte (2010), The Yearbook of English Studies (2010)
- XXII. History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Ed. Marcel Cornis-Pope, John Neubauer. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2007, vol. 3
Reviews: Rampike (2008), Recherche Littéraire (2008), Akcente, English Akcent
- XXI. Modernism. Ed. Astradur Eysteinsson and Vivian Liska. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2007.
Reviews: Recherche Littéraire (2008), YWES (2009), Orbis Litterarum (2009)
- XX. History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Ed. Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2006. vol. 2
Reviews: Kakanien Revisited (2005), Comparative Critical Studies (2007), Novi List, Akcente, English Akcent, Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (2007), Arcadia (2009)
- XIX. History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Ed. Marcel Cornis-Pope, John Neubauer. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2004. 648 pp. vol. 1
Reviews: Cuvintul (2004), English Romania Literara (2004), Comparative Literature, Romanian Cuvintul (2004), Kakanien Revisited (2005), CLCWeb (2006), Neohelicon (2006), Arcadia (2006), Comparative Critical Studies (2007), Novi List, Akcente, English Akcent, Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (2007)
- XVIII. Nonfictional Romantic Prose: Expanding Borders. Ed. Steven P. Sondrup, Virgil Nemoianu. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2004. 477 pp. 30% discount for a complete set order (5 Romanticism vols.).
Review: Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (2006), Nonfictional Romantic Prose - Language (2007)
- XVII. Romantic Poetry. Ed. Angela Esterhammer. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2002. 537 pp. 30% discount for a complete set order (5 Romanticism vols.).
Reviews: IASL Online (2003), Arcadia (2004), Helikon (2005), Neohelicon (2008)
- XVI. L'Aube de la Modernité 1680-1760. Ed. Peter-Eckhard Knabe, Roland Mortier, François Moureau. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2002. 554 pp.
- XV. A History of Literature in the Caribbean: Volume 2: English- and Dutch-speaking regions. Ed, A. James Arnold. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2001. x, 672 pp.
Reviews: Arcadia (2002), Caribbean 2 - Comparative Literature (2005), Revue de littérature comparée (2005)
- XIV. Die Wende von der Aufklärung zur Romantik 1760-1820: Epoche im Überblick. Ed. Horst Albert Glaser, György M. Vajda. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2001. 760 pp.
- XIII. L'Époque de la Renaissance (1400-1600): Tome IV: Crises et essors nouveaux (1560-1610). Ed. Tibor Klaniczay, Eva Kushner, Paul Chavy. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2000. 817 pp.
Review: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (2003)
- XII. A History of Literature in the Caribbean: Volume 3: Cross-Cultural Studies. Ed. A. James Arnold. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1997. 398 pp.
- XI. International Postmodernism: Theory and Literary Practice. Ed. Hans Bertens and Douwe Fokkema. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1997. 581 pp.
Reviews: Symploke (1997), Postmodernism - Comparative Literature (1998), Postmodernism - World Lit Today (1998), Comparative Criticism (1999), Primerjalna Knjizevnost (1999 - Slovenian), Southern Humanities Review (1999)
- X. A History of Literature in the Caribbean: Hispanic and Francophone Regions. Ed. A. James Arnold. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1994. 579 pp.
Reviews: Hispania (1995), OSO (1997 - Dutch)
- IX. Romantic Drama. Ed. Gerald Gillespie. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1993. 516 pp. 30% discount for a complete set order (5 Romanticism vols.).
Reviews: Revue de Littérature Comparée (1995 - French), Monatshefte (2010)
- VIII. Romantic Irony. Ed. Frederick Garber. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1988. 395 pages. 30% discount for a complete set order (5 Romanticism vols.).
Reviews: Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (1989), Revue de Littérature Comparée (1991 - French), Neohelicon (1991), Arcadia (1991), Comparative Literature Studies (1992)
- VII. L'époque de la renaissance (1400-1600). I. L'avènement de l'ésprit nouveau (1400-1480). Ed. Tibor Klaniczay, Eva Kushner, Andre Stegmann. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1987. 594 pages.
Reviews: Neohelicon (1981), Bulletin de l'Association d'étude sur l'humanisme, la réforme et la renaissance (1988), Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance (1989 - French), Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (1989), Revue de littérature comparée (1990), Neohelicon (1991)
- VI. European-Language Writing in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ed. Albert Gerard. 2 Vols. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1986. 1288 pages.
Reviews: Journal of Modern Literature (1987), African Literature - Canadian Journal of African Studies (1988), African Literature - Research in African Literatures (1988), African Literature - World Literature Today (1988), Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (1989 - French), Weimarer Beitrage (1989 - German), Revue de Littérature Comparée (1990 - French)
- IV-V. Les Avant-gardes littéraires au XXe siècle: Deux volumes. I: Histoire; II: Théorie. Ed. Jean Weisgerber. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1986. 622, 704 pp.
- V. Les avant-gardes littéraires au XXe siècle: Théorie. Ed. Jean Weisgerber. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1986. 704 pages.
Reviews: Neohelicon (1974), Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (1985), Modern Language Review (1986), Comparative Literature Studies (1986), Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (1986), Arcadia (1987 - German), Revue de littérature comparée - part one (1990), Revue de littérature comparée - part two (1990)
- IV. Les avant-gardes littéraires au XXe siècle: Histoire. Ed. Jean Weisgerber. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984. 622 pages.
Reviews: Neohelicon (1974), Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire (1985), Modern Language Review (1986), Comparative Literature Studies (1986), Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (1986), Arcadia (1987 - German), Revue de littérature comparée - part one (1990), Revue de littérature comparée - part two (1990)
- III. Le tournant du siècle des lumières 1760-1820: Les Genres en vers des lumières au romantisme. Dir. György M. Vajda. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1982. 684 pages.
Reviews: Arcadia (1984), Comparative Literature Studies (1984 - French), Neohelicon (1984), Revue de littérature comparée (1985), Siegfried Seifert, Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (1986)
- II. The Symbolist Movement in the Literature of European Languages. Ed. Anna Balakian. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1982. Reprinted 1984. 732 pages.
Reviews: Modern Language Journal (1979), ALEC (1983), French Review (1984), Comparative Literature Studies (1984 - French), Revue de littérature comparée (1984), Art Journal (1985), Arcadia (1985)
- I. Expressionism as an International Literary Phenomenon. Ed. Ulrich Weisstein. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1973. 360 pages.
Reviews: Neohelicon (1973), Books Abroad (1974), Comparative Literature Studies (1975), Modern Language Review (1975), Comparative Literature (1976), Forum der Letteren (1976), German Quarterly (1977), Monatshefte (1977), Revue de littérature comparée (1978)