Most toilets at the University of Antwerp are still traditionally divided into male/female. Everyone decides which toilet conforms to his, her or their gender identity. Non-binary people are of course also welcome to use toilets according to their preference.
Simultaneously, the UAntwerp is also introducing gender-inclusive toilets. We are doing this in two ways:
Gender-inclusive signs: gender-binary signs (M/F) in existing toilets are gradually being adapted to gender-inclusive signs, clearly indicating which facilities can be found in which restroom. The first example of this has been on display in the newly renovated buildings at Paardenmarkt since March 2023.
Gender-neutral bathrooms: In the future, publicly accessible sanitary restrooms will have one restroom for everyone, with maximum attention to everyone's safety and comfort regardless of gender identity, biological sex, lifestance, physical capabilities, etc.
You can also find free menstrual products in all gender-neutral and women's toilets. More information can be found here.