Research project: Development of new biomarkers for Dry Eye Disease.
Host organisation: Sorbonne Université (SU), France
Supervisor: Dr Françoise BRIGNOLE-BAUDOUIN
Brief biography: I´m Murat Akkurt. I studied Pharmacy at Marmara University, Istanbul and hold a masters in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology awarded by the University of Barcelona. I prepared my master thesis in alginate-based high internal phase ratio emulsions and water-in-water (w/w) emulsions. I managed to obtain a novel w/w emulsion composed of Alginate/BSA system. I have specialized in nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology particularly. I have recently been a voluntary research assistant at Istanbul Arel POTKAM to develop new skills in polymers for drug delivery and cell culture. I’m very excited with this opportunity to contribute to the IT-DED3 project with my knowledge and enthusiasm.