Corcaci, A. and Deters, H. (2024) Shaping EU policy in regional parliaments: a configurational analysis of the Posted Workers Directive in Germany. Regional & Federal Studies (2024). DOI: 10.1080/13597566.2024.2373724
Niikawa, S. and Corcaci, A. (2024) Referendums and political-institutional convergence in European democracies: A time-differencing configurational analysis. Comparative European Politics. DOI: 10.1057/s41295-024-00396-2
Corcaci, A. (2023) Implementing Decisions on Environmental Conflicts Beyond the Nation State. A Concept Structural Outline. Nordic Journal of European Law 6(4): 98-132. DOI: 10.36969/njel.v6i4.25921
Conference contributions and presentations:
2024: European QCA Conference, Paper Development and Expert Workshops, 10-12 December 2024, Tilburg
Chair and discussant, paper development session 'Organization Studies 3' (with Gerrits, L.)
'European and International Governance of Environmental Obligations. Comparing Implementation Across Resolution Mechanisms Through Temporal Configurational Analysis'. Expert Workshop paper
2024: PPG x G&L x STRATEGO research seminar, 31 October, Antwerp
Disscussant, 'Echoes of the Public: Subnational Responsiveness and Compliance with European Environmental Directives' (Wilhelm, M.-T.)
2024: STRATEGO Webinar 'Debating EU and International Environmental Policy: From Agenda Setting to Implementation', 25 October, online
'European and International Governance of Environmental Obligations. Comparing Implementation Across Resolution Mechanisms Through Temporal Configurational Analysis'. Presentation
2024: The 4th Japan Workshop on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), 3 September, Kobe
'International and European Governance of Environmental Obligations: Comparing Implementation Across Resolution Mechanisms Through Temporal Configurational Analysis'. Invited presentation and workshop paper
2024: ECPR General Conference, 12-15 August, Dublin/online
Chair, panel 'Diverse Perspectives on the European Court of Justice' (with Mayoral, J.A.)
'International and European Governance of Environmental Conflicts. Comparing Implementation Across Resolution Mechanisms'. Conference paper
'Set Theoretical Concept Formation and the Emergence of Time. A Concept Structural Approach to Studying Temporal Dynamics in Democracies'. Conference paper
2024: International Joint Workshop, Kobe University and University of Antwerp, 12 July, online
Organiser (with Niikawa, S.)
Chair and discussant
2024: Promis Open Seminar, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, 7 June, Kobe
'Environmental resolution mechanisms beyond the nation state. A comparative analysis of the implementation of court judgements and managerial agreements'. Presentation
2024: Workshop: 'Policy Making and Policy Implementation: An Intermediation Perspective', 2-3 May, Heidelberg
'Environmental Conflict Resolution and Comparing Implementation Across Institutional Mechanisms As Intermediaries'. Research note
2024: Workshop: 'A Hands-on Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)', 26 March, Antwerp (funded by OJO)
Organiser (with Nicòtina, A. and Frateur, J.)
Chair, speaker, and discussant
2024: Joint seminar of the research groups Politics & Public Governance and Governance & Law, 18 March, Antwerp
'Implementing decisions on environmental conflicts beyond the nation state. A concept structural outline'. Presentation
2023: 46th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of German Politics, 30 November-1 December, Mannheim
'Shaping EU policy in regional parliaments'. Conference paper (with Deters, H.)
2023: 11th International QCA Paper Development and Expert Workshops, 12-14 December, Antwerp
Chair and discussant, paper development roundtable 2.4 (with Gerrits, L.)
'An assessment of time-differencing Qualitative Comparative Analysis'. Expert Workshop paper (with Niikawa, S.)
2023: ECPR General Conference, 4-9 September, Prague
Chair, panel 'Conflict resolution in times of backlash' (with Van Zimmeren, E.)
'Conzeptualizing the implementation of decisions on environmental conflicts beyond the nation state'. Conference paper
2023: Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, 12‐14 July, Antwerp
‘Conceptualizing the implementation of decisions on environmental conflicts beyond the nation state’. Conference paper
Selected other publications:
Corcaci, A. and Kemmerzell, J. (2023) Trans-local action and local climate policy. Configurations of success for climate innovations in the European multilevel system. Review of Policy Research. DOI: 10.1111/ropr.12536
Corcaci, A. (2019) Compliance in der Europäischen Union. Mengentheoretische Konzeptformation und logische Formalisierung anhand einer QCA qualitativer Fallstudien. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Benz, A., Corcaci, A., and Doser, J.W. (2016) Unravelling multilevel administration. Patterns and dynamics of administrative co-ordination in European governance. Journal of European Public Policy 23(7): 999-1018. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2016.1162838