
Niikawa, S. and Corcaci, A. (2024) Referendums and political-institutional convergence in European democracies: A time-differencing configurational analysis. Comparative European Politics. DOI: 10.1057/s41295-024-00396-2

Corcaci, A. (2023) Implementing Decisions on Environmental Conflicts Beyond the Nation State. A Concept Structural Outline. Nordic Journal of European Law 6(4): 98-132. DOI: 10.36969/njel.v6i4.25921

Conference contributions and presentations:

2024: Promis Open Seminar, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, 7 June, Kobe
Environmental resolution mechanisms beyond the nation state. A comparative analysis of the implementation of court judgements and managerial agreements. Presentation

2024: Workshop on 'Policy Making and Policy Implementation: An Intermediation Perspective', 2-3 May, Heidelberg
'Environmental Conflict Resolution and Comparing Implementation Across Institutional Mechanisms As Intermediaries'. Research note

2024: Joint seminar of the research groups Politics & Public Governance and Governance & Law, 18 March, Antwerpen
'Implementing decisions on environmental conflicts beyond the nation state. A concept structural outline'. Presentation

2023: 46th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of German Politics, 30 November-1 December, Mannheim
'Shaping EU policy in regional parliaments'. Conference paper (with Deters, H.)

2023: 11th International QCA Paper Development and Expert Workshops, 12-14 December, Antwerp
Chair, paper development roundtable 2.4 (with Gerrits, L.)
'An assessment of time-differencing Qualitative Comparative Analysis'. Conference paper (with Niikawa, S.)

2023: ECPR General Conference, 4-9 September, Prague.
Chair, panel 'Conflict resolution in times of backlash' (with Van Zimmeren, E.)
'Conzeptualizing the implementation of decisions on environmental conflicts beyond the nation state'. Conference paper

2023: Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, 12‐14 July, Antwerp
Conceptualizing the implementation of decisions on environmental conflicts beyond the nation state’. Conference paper

Selected other publications:

Corcaci, A. and Kemmerzell, J. (2023) Trans-local action and local climate policy. Configurations of success for climate innovations in the European multilevel system. Review of Policy Research. DOI: 10.1111/ropr.12536

Corcaci, A. (2022) The dynamics of multilevel administration. Coordination processes between national, supra- and international administrations in energy policy. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft/Journal of Political Science. DOI: 10.1007/s41358-022-00321-7

Corcaci, A. (2019) Compliance in der Europäischen Union. Mengentheoretische Konzeptformation und logische Formalisierung anhand einer QCA qualitativer Fallstudien. Wiesbaden: Springer VS

Benz, A., Corcaci, A., and Doser, J.W. (2016) Unravelling multilevel administration. Patterns and dynamics of administrative co-ordination in European governance. Journal of European Public Policy 23(7): 999-1018. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2016.1162838