Day 1: Data Impact and Preparedness
- Welcome & introduction
- Risk awareness quiz
- The cost of pandemics
- Chronic impact of a pandemic: example of long covid
- 10 steps of outbreak investigation (simulation)
- A new outbreak: from first data to models and back.
Day 2: Outbreak Management
- Pandemic preparedness: for which pathogens?
- A day in the life of the public health doctor (in Belgium, Netherlands)
- The silent pandemic of AMR
- Hospital outbreak management
- Simulation exercise: decision making processes with different stakeholders
- Communication in outbreaks
- Panel discussion on ethical issues in outbreaks
Day 3: Vaccination and Preparedness
- Vaccine confidence
- Simulation exercise: vaccine confidence and communication
- Vaccination in a public health crisis
- Vaccination in specific hosts
Day 4: High Consequence Infections
- Case simulation: VHF recognition and response
- Facility design exercise
- Quiz: the right PPE for the right pathogen
- Demo's at HLIU
- Clinical and diagnostic decisions for high consequences pathogens
- Social and familial aspects
- HLIU activities in difficult circumstances
- Isabel Brosius, ITM Antwerp
- Erika Vlieghe, UZA, UAntwerpen
- Ziyad Al-Aly, Washington University in St. Louis
- Niel Hens, UHasselt, UAntwerpen
- Marc Van Ranst, UZ Leuven
- Patrick Smits, Vlaams Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid (Flemish Agency for Care and Health)
- Alma Tostmann, Radboudumc
- Chantal Rovers, Radboudumc
- Pierre Van Damme, UAntwerpen
- Caroline Charlier, Université de Paris
- Yvan Somers, UZA
- Luca Zweers, Radboudumc
- Philippe Beutels, UAntwerpen
- Rafaella Ravinetto, ITM Antwerp
- Muge Cevik, University of St Andrews, Scotland
- Manon Tingen-Wieland, Radboudumc
- ...
Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of attendance.