"One health and pollution in a neocolonial world"

Join us for the Global Engagement Conference 2025 at the University of Antwerp! This year, we invite you to explore the intricate relationship between neocolonialism, pollution, and health. The One Health concept underscores the inextricable link between human, animal, and environmental health. Our discussions will explore how pollution affects global health from a One Health perspective.

(Neo-)colonialism can lead to unbalanced economic and environmental burdens. Countries in the Global South face disproportionate pollution from industrial activities and waste management, posing a direct threat to human and animal health. From a One Health perspective, where a globally interconnected ecosystem is central, this will ultimately impact health in Western countries as well.

The conference combines invited speakers from different parts of the world with reporting of ongoing research at UAntwerp.

Academic committee:

Dirk Vissers (chair), Milena Belloni, Marnix Beyen, Margot Luyckfasseel, Bossissi Nkuba, Tom De Herdt


Part 1: Keynote Lectures  (13:30 - 14:30)

Join us for an engaging session featuring leading experts who will share their insights on the interconnectedness of pollution, health, and global inequalities. Each lecture will be 30 minutes.

  • Richard Kock  (Vice President Wildlife Disease Association, United Kingdom) - "Are pollutants now exceeding capacities of nature to mop up? A growing time bomb against One Health"
  • Dawn Hoogeveen (Simon Fraser University, Canada) - “Decolonial approaches for sustainable planetary health"
  • Samwel Ntapanta (Aarhus University, Denmark) - ​
    "Life Downstream of Techno-Capitalism: Locating Toxicity, Non-Communicable Diseases, and Lifescaping Initiatives"

Coffee Break (14:30 - 15:00)

Enjoy a coffee/tea break and connect with fellow attendees before the next session.

Part 2: Panel Discussion (15:00 - 16:30)

Different UAntwerp researchers share their work on One Health and pollution in the current global context of neocolonialism

Panel (Esther Nwanu as moderator)

  • Dawn Hogeveen
  • Richard Kock
  • Samwel Ntapanta
  • Célestin Banza Lubaba Nkulu
  • François-Lucien Vulliermet

Part 3: Paul Panda Farnana Prize (16:30 - 17:00)

The Paul Panda Farnana Prize is awarded annually to recognize outstanding partnerships that promote equitable global collaboration, decolonization, and sustainable development. Named after Paul Panda Farnana, the first Congolese graduate of Belgian Higher Education and a pioneer for African emancipation, the prize highlights innovative academic and non-academic partnerships that contribute to meaningful change.

This conference is made possible through Global Minds funding from VLIRUOS

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