Lumumba's legacies in past and present

This year we celebrate Patrice Lumumba's 100th birthday with a series  of lectures and other events. Lumumba, figure of the past, ideas for the present? As a historical figure, Lumumba played an important role during formal independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo. His murder in 1961 also triggered a variety of ways to shape our memory of him until today. Can Lumumba’s thought and actions remain a source of inspiration for the further decolonization process of the country and of Africa more generally? Photo Hary Pot. National archives of the Netherlands

  • April: panel on the ongoing crisis in DR Congo (more information to be announced) - Event of IOB, Great Lakes of Africa Centre, PhD students
  • 5 May: Film screening and lecture: Alain Casanda – “Coconut Head Generation” - Event of Matthias De Groof
  • 18 June: lecture Pedro Monaville (McGill University) “the shape of Lumumba’s heart” - Event of Political History Research Group

More information to be announced