11-13-18-20 March | 19:00-21:00

Why did the world remain largely aloof when it witnessed the war on Gaza? Why are seemingly straightforward facts met with ambivalence? Why does it appear to be impossible to develop a commonly agreed narrative about the war? We will address these questions through a set of four lectures that focus on (i) the historical and geopolitical context of the war, (ii) how journalists have reported on the war, (iii) how civil society actors mobilized against the war, and (iv) the role of international law and the international legal system in responding to the war.     

Everyone is welcome to join us. Participation is free but registration mandatory.  The series of lectures is conceived of as a whole, and we therefore encourage you sign up for all four lectures.

Organising team: Maha Abdallah, Ludo Abicht, Marnix Beyen, Tom De Herdt, Gamze Erdem Türkelli, Brigitte Herremans, Rikkert Horemans, Jorg Kustermans​

​Moderators: Brigitte Herremans (UAntwerpen) / Cathérine Vuylsteke (Knack)

All lectures take place at the University of Antwerp Stadscampus, Building R. Room R.007, 2000 Antwerpen.

Lecture #1: The war on Gaza in historical & regional context | 11 March

Main speaker: Muhammad Shehada (journalist and researcher)

Respondent: Ludo Abicht (UAntwerpen)

Lecture #2: Reporting on the war on Gaza | 13 March

Speakers: Meron Rapoport (+972 Magazine)

                    Derk Walters (NRC)

Lecture #3: Civil engagement on the war on Gaza | 18 March

Main speaker: Anya Topolski (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen & Een Andere Joodse Stem)

Respondent: Rikkert Horemans (Broederlijk Delen)

Lecture #4: The war on Gaza and international law | 20 March

Main speakers: Gamze Erdem Türkelli (UAntwerpen)

Respondent: Tom Neijens (Diplomatic Advisor)

All lectures take place at the University of Antwerp Stadscampus, Building R. Room R.007, 2000 Antwerpen.