Global Pen Friends is an exchange project between nine universities located in India, Suriname, Nicaragua, Brazil, DR Congo, Morocco and Belgium where students are matched with a Pen Friend to write each other letters about topics related to one of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

"The project gave me a renewed interest in writing and corresponding, something I had not done since high school. The project also allowed us not only to discuss important issues in society with a lot of freedom, but also to understand the way of thinking and seeing the world of our pen friends who live in other parts of the world." (anonymous participant)

What is the goal of Global Pen Friends?

The project aims to stimulate an interpersonal exchange between students that wouldn’t otherwise easily get in touch with each other, about topics that affect their environment and personal life in sometimes different and sometimes similar ways. Creating a space of expression, curiosity, mutual respect and learning. All letter exchanges are then published on the Global Pen Friends Blog for many people to read and share the articles.

Why should you join Global Pen Friends?

  • Reflect and exchange on sustainable development and become more involved with the conversations about the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Stimulate thoughtful and trough-provoking dialogue
  • Learn from different perspectives
  • Learn about a countries’ context trough someone’s personal experiences
  • Possibly exchange in a language that is different than your native tongue
  • Get to know another person from the other side of the world on a deeper level through an open dialogue
  • Practice writing skills
  • Have the opportunity to share your exchange on a University blog
  • Widen your network through a WhatsApp group with Pen Friends from all over the world

This project is (partially) financed through Global Minds funding (VLIRUOS)

Join the Global Pen Friends