E-learning course on cervical cancer prevention
e-oncología organises an e-learning course on cervical cancer prevention for health professionals worldwide. Goal of the project is to inform health professionals worldwide on the latest scientific advances in the field of prevention of cervical cancer.
Course content:
Module 1. Introduction
Module 2. Natural history of HPV & cancer
Module 3. Burden of HPV infection and HPV-related cancer
Module 4. HPV and other diseases
Module 5. Prevention of cervical cancer:
5.1 HPV vaccines
5.2 Male condom use & circumcision
5.3 Cervical cancer screening options
5.4 Cervical cancer prevention strategies
5.5 Health education & counseling
Module 6. HPV in special populations
e-oncología is born in 2004 as the first Cancer specialised training initiative in Spanish.The project represents a strategic partnership between the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IARC) among others.
WHO E-learning course on Vaccine Safety Basics
The WHO e-learning course on vaccine safety basics intends to establish a shared understanding among professionals whose work is linked to vaccine safety issues.
The course addresses the following issues:
- oringin and nature of advers events follwing immunzation;
- promoting good communication practices in handling risks and crises situations
The course is destined to nurses, midwives, community health workers, as well as pharmacists medical doctors and programme or technical officers.
HPV Interactive maps
VIEW-hub by IVAC
HPV vaccine introduction status global map.
World Health Organization (WHO) HPV Vaccination programmes status map
This dashboard provides information about the status of HPV vaccine introduction in WHO Member States.