Transformation of the Stiemerbeek Valley based on an integrated spatial vision in the Master Plan

To transform the Stiemervalley into a multifunctional green-blue vein, Genk decided in 1995 to upgrade the valley. Several initiatives, processes and projects were launched and already led to a number of realisations. In 2019, an integrated spatial vision was approved that gives direction on how the Stiemervallei can be transformed in the long run. Two tracks are inherently linked here, but will have different spatial effects.

- Track 1: Reintroduction of a multifunctional green-blue vein. The elaboration of this track involves projects, actions and measures that will be spatially implemented in the Stiemerbeek valley;

- Track 2: Restoration of the water system. This track involves measures taken outside the figure of the valley that serve good hydrological and ecological functioning in the valley. These Sustainable Urban Drainage or SUDs include softening, green roofs, disconnection of roofs, infiltration and/or buffering possibilities of rainwater so that the mixed sewerage system is relieved and can be fully utilised for wastewater disposal.