New preclinical screens in safety pharmacology
- Host organisation: University of Nottingham, UK
- Supervisor: Prof. Jeanette Woolard
Brief biography: My name is Marieke Van Daele and I grew up in Bruges, Belgium. In 2018 I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Honours College degree at the University of Antwerp. I carried out my master thesis at the University of Geneva on the role of S100A4 and growth factors in smooth muscle cell activation in atherosclerosis, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bochaton-Piallat. In 2020 I obtained with great distinction my MSc in Drug Development: Pharmacist at the University of Antwerp. My PhD project at the University of Nottingham focuses on cardiotoxicity caused by anti-VEGF therapies and possible novel hemodynamic markers in preclinical testing.