Assessing the cardiovascular safety liabilities of growth factor inhibition
Host organisation: University of Nottingham, UK
Supervisor: Prof. Jeanette Woolard
Brief biography: My name is Patrizia Pannucci and I come from Italy, where I graduated with honours in Pharmacy at the University of Siena. Under the supervision of Prof. Simona Saponara, the aim of my thesis was to assess antimuscarinic effects of ivabradine on Langendorff isolated rat heart. After graduating, I undertook a traineeship in clinical research at the University of Edinburgh, under the direction of Dr Neeraj Dhaun (Bean). Currently, I am an Early Stage Researcher at the University of Nottingham. Under the supervision of Prof. Jeanette Woolard, I am working on a project mainly focused on understanding the mechanism underlying cardiovascular complications of clinically available anti-cancer treatments, especially VEGF inhibitors. Moreover, I plan to develop an in-vivo approach to evaluate cardiovascular safety of these novel targeted cancer therapies, as well as to investigate the molecular pharmacology of RTKIs using in vitro strategies.