Development of novel telemetry implants with added 3D micro-GPS functionality
Host organisation: TSE SYSTEMS GMBH, Germany
Supervisors: Dr. Thomas Budiman and Dr. Holger Russig
My name is Christian Klein and I am from Germany. I did my bachelor´s and master’s degree in Nutrition and Health at Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands. During my master’s programme, I focused on nutritional effects on animal and human physiology. I investigated the role of the enzyme nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase on physiological parameters in the context of metabolic programming during my thesis, which was followed by an internship at the German Institute of Human Nutrition, Potsdam-Rehbrücke. There, I studied the effects of odd-chain fatty acids and their metabolites on obesity-related physiological parameters. In 2021, I started doing my PhD at TSE Systems GmbH in Berlin. Here, I will work on the development and scientific validation of a novel telemetry implant with added micro-GPS tracking functionality. With this technological innovation, we aim to advance complex and social (group-housed) experimental environments in which human interaction will be minimized. This approach will reduce stress in laboratory animals and thereby support cardiovascular safety aspects as well as the implementation of the 3R-principles. Within this project, I will further focus on nutritional-induced stress and its effects on behavioural traits and cardiometabolic health in small and larger animals.