The overall mission of IQ-BRAIN is to bring qMRI to the clinic by improving and accelerating the technique through innovative development of trustworthy physics-informed Deep Learning (DL) methods, with neuroimaging as a key application area.
To achieve its overall mission, IQ-BRAIN will pursue the following specific objectives:
- WP1: SPEED - Developing cutting-edge pulse sequences and physics-aware DL-based methods for accelerated qMRI.
- WP2: TRUST - Developing methodology to improve and substantiate trust in (DL-supported) qMRI-derived metrics in terms of uncertainty quantification and explainability.
- WP3: VALUE - Demonstrating added value of accelerated, trustworthy physics-aware qMRI methodology in real-world settings with focus on establishing high-quality qMRI biomarkers in the healthy and diseased brain.
- WP4: TRAINING - Training the next generation of researchers in the field of DL-supported qMRI with a broad view on qMRI R&D.
The project is complemented with work packages on Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (WP 5 - DEC) and Management (WP 6).