JACARDI project team meets in Budapest

From the 27th of May to the 3rd of June, Katrien, Monika and Fanny from the University of Antwerp met with colleagues from GOKVI (György Gottsegen Institute of Cardiology) in Budapest.

The focus of this week was to advance in the coordination of pilot projects under work package 9, which prioritizes integrated, person-centered care pathways for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. We made significant progress on the development of implementation and evaluation plans, pathway mapping, and the organization of upcoming tasks. We also planned future publications and brainstormed on potential future project collaborations. Furthermore, our team came together to deliver a learning session for the 29 JACARDI pilots within work package 9, sharing insights from previous projects and getting hands-on learning experiences through interactive workshops.

Amidst all this progress, the highlight of this week-long meeting remained the highly productive in-person discussions, which fostered a dynamic collaboration. The face-to-face interactions lead to fruitful brainstorming sessions and a strong sense of teamwork.

We extend our deepest gratitude to our Hungarian partners for their warm hospitality and exceptional collaboration and look forward to welcoming them in Antwerp in the near future. We would also like to express our gratitude for FWO’s support of the travel grant.

JACARDI website

From now on, there is also an official European JACARDI website: https://jacardi.eu/.

Here, you can find more information about the objectives, international partners, and various work packages that are part of JACARDI.

Kick off meeting in Rome

From November 27th to 29th, 2023, the official launch event of JACARDI took place in Rome.

All coordinators, work package leaders, and pilot implementers got to know each other and exchanged ideas. A total of 76 organizations from 21 European countries participated. Belgium was represented by the University of Antwerp, Sciensano, Diabetes Liga, and KU Leuven.

Over the next 4 years, 142 pilot projects will be developed, implemented, and evaluated. Additionally, roadmaps for sustainable implementation and scaling up will be developed.