The pilot project on Halt2Diabetes is a continuation of the existing Halt2Diabetes program that the Diabetes Liga, with support from the Flemish Government, has been systematically implementing in various Flemish regions since 2019. With the ambition to involve some of the already active Halt2Diabetes regions, this project aims to have a positive impact on the functioning of Halt2Diabetes, as well as on the citizens and healthcare providers engaging with this program. Each selected intervention region will continue to implement the Halt2Diabetes program, but with a protocol adapted for JACARDI. This revised protocol will focus more on reaching vulnerable population groups and aims to improve the involvement of general practitioners. It also provides more personalized lifestyle guidance and evaluates the effectiveness of media campaigns to increase program participation. Currently, the Diabetes Liga and the University of Antwerp are actively working on developing this ambitious project. By building upon the existing foundations of the Halt2Diabetes program, the JACARDI pilot project seeks to address challenges within the current approach, aligning with the goal of elevating preventive care for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases to a higher level.