Currently, there are no publications available from JACARDI. We would like to share some publications that form the basis of our work in JACARDI.

Scientific publications

An article that exposes differences in the implementation of integrated care for chronic conditions in Belgium, where best practices serve as inspiration for the pilot study related to integrated care organization in general practices:
Danhieux K, Buffel V, Remmen R, Wouters E, van Olmen J. Scale-up of a chronic care model-based programme for type 2 diabetes in Belgium: a mixed-methods study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023; 23, 141.
Two articles on the barriers to achieving integrated care at the macro level in Belgium:

Danhieux K, Martens M, Colman E, Wouters E, Remmen R, van Olmen J, Anthierens S. What Makes Integration of Chronic Care so Difficult? A Macro-Level Analysis of Barriers and Facilitators in Belgium. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2021; 21(S2): 8.

Martens M, Danhieux K, Van Belle S, Wouters E, Van Damme W, Remmen R, Anthierens S, Van Olmen J. Integration or Fragmentation of Health Care? Examining Policies and Politics in a Belgian Case Study. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2022; 11(9): 1668-1681.  https://doi:10.34172/ijhpm.2021.58.

Media articles

Danhieux, K., Buffel, V., Remmen, R., Wouters, E., van Olmen, J. Diabeteszorg in verschillende praktijktypes. Een mixed-methods studie gebaseerd op het Chronic Care Model. Huisarts Nu. 2024; 53(2): 78-82. 

Van Olmen, J. Optimale chronische zorg in de praktijk. Huisarts Nu. 2024; 53(2): 85.

Colson W. Een Wonca-prijs voor opschaling chronische zorg in België. Artsenkrant nr.2766 (2023.11.17). Beschikbaar via:

Smeets M, Vandenhoudt H, Baldewijns K, Danhieux K, Martens M, Botteldooren L, Van Bogaert P, Remmen R, van Olmen J. De eerstelijnszorg van de toekomst is met verpleegkundigen in de huisartspraktijken. Knack - ISSN 0772-3210 - (2021.07.15). Beschikbaar via: