Storing your body
material for future use in scientific research does not involve any risks.
more info:
The Institute
Born-Bunge at the University of Antwerp is the 'custodian' of your body
material and your data in the IBB-NeuroBiobank. This biobank has a Belgian
accreditation number, obtained via the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health
Products (FAMHP): BB190113. You and your legal representative are the 'owners'
of your body material/data. This means that your next of kin can always
instruct the Institute Born-Bunge to destroy your stored body material/data or
to transfer it to another biobank. This can be done by contacting the
IBB-NeuroBiobank manager in writing. You will receive a written confirmation
stating that your body material/data has been destroyed. If your body
material/data has already been used or is in use in an ongoing study, it cannot
be withdrawn, but it will not be made available for other scientific research.
Personal and health data are collected during the scientific research. These data will not be passed on to third parties such as employers, insurance companies or family members, unless required by a legal procedure. Only a few authorised IBB staff members will have access to these data. Researchers requesting access to the samples or data will receive these data in encrypted form, so that identification of your person is not possible. Great care is taken to ensure the confidentiality of your data.