NeXED specific job descriptions
- DC 1: Endocrine disruption of zebrafish brain and sensory organ development - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
- DC 2: Improved NAM-based testing of ED-mediated reproductive toxicity - Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Denmark)
- DC 3: A cross-species approach to assessing impaired neurological function caused by endocrine disruptors - University of Antwerp (Belgium)
- DC 4: Next generation regulatory assessment and identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals - Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
- DC 5: Species differences in physiology and sensitivity to thyroid hormone system disrupting chemicals - Watchfrog (France)
- DC 6: Endocrine and neurodevelopmental disrupting potential of relevant human exposure mixtures - Masarykova univerzita (Czechia)
- DC 7: From EATS exposome to EATS effectome – fish as vertebrate model - Syddansk Universitet (Denmark)
- DC 8: AOP network-based assessment of interactions among endocrine axes in environmental PFAS mixtures - University of Antwerp (Belgium)
- DC 9: Exposomics and metabolomics in zebrafish embryos for complex exposure scenarios - University of Antwerp (Belgium)
- DC 10: Novel approaches to assess the impact of EDCs in the adult nervous system - Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
- DC 11: Exploring nuclear receptor cross-talk in aquatic molluscs and how it translates to vertebrates - Syddansk Universitet (Denmark)
- DC 12: Development of a zebrafish metabolome atlas and bridging to EDC exposure - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
- DC 13: Central integration of peripheral endocrine signals - Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)
- DC 14: Disruption of thyroid hormone transport to the brain in organoid models, zebrafish, and humans - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
- DC 15: Explore the link between food, metabolic state and endocrine signalling across aquatic taxa - Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (United Kingdom)