University of Antwerp
Dries Knapen

- Zebrafishlab
- Coordinator of NeXED
- Supervisor of DC 3
- Co-supervisor of DC 12 and 13
Lucia Vergauwen

- Zebrafishlab
- Supervisor of DC 8
- Co-supervisor of DC 10
Adrian Covaci

- Toxicological Centre
- Supervisor of DC 9
- Co-supervisor of DC 5
Syddansk Universitet
Henrik Holbech

- Department of Biology
- Supervisor of DC 7
- Co-supervisor of DC 4
Elvis Genbo Xu

- Department of Biology
- Supervisor of DC 11
- Co-supervisor of DC 2
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Lisa Baumann

- Environmental Health & Toxicology and AIMMS
- Supervisor of DC 1
- Co-supervisor of DC 5 and 6
Pim Leonards

- Chemistry for Environment & Health, Amsterdam Sustainability Institute and AIMMS
- Supervisor of DC 12
- Co-supervisor of DC 7
Timo Hamers

- Environmental Health & Toxicology and AIMMS
- Supervisor of DC 14
Masarykove Univerzita
Centre national de la recherche scientifique, CNRS
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Terje Svingen

- DTU National Food Institute; Research Group for Molecular and Reproductive Toxicology
- Supervisor of DC 2
- Co-supervisor of DC 8 and 14
Karolinska Institutet
Anna Beronius

- Institute of Environmental Medicine; Health risk assessment methodology
- Supervisor of DC 4
- Co-supervisor of DC 15
Università degli Studi di Milano
Barbara Viviani

- Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences
- Supervisor of DC 10
- Co-supervisor of DC 3