Vacant Ensembles: the Suburb as a renewable ideal living environment.
“Pilootprojecten Collectief Wonen, nieuwe vormen van collectiviteit” was a research program commissioned by the Flemish government, initiated by the Vlaamse Bouwmeester.
Out of a competition tender, 5 teams were selected to execute the research.
This team was composed by UAntwerpen researchers and architectural offices.
Research questions.
The project was a research by design exploring forms of collectivity in housing projects.
- How can forms of collectivity result in affordable housing?
- How can forms of collectivity deliver benefits in terms of qualitative and sustainable spatial planning?
The research outcome has been the inspiration and the framework for the translation of innovative concepts into concrete housing projects in Flanders. Local governments, private partners and ambitious builders have been collaborating to achieve five pilot projects on housing.
The research report has been published by the government.