OPEN organises specialised training for language professionals, managers and policy-makers in the media and cultural world. The topics covered include audio description, subtitling (for individuals who are deaf or whose hearing is impaired), live subtitling and accessibility management. You can approach us to design and/or facilitate online Dutch- and English-language workshops and in-person activities on our city campus in Antwerp.
Dutch courses
Discover our offer in Dutch on our Dutch webpage.
English courses
AVT Masterclass: Introduction to Audio Description (online)
The OPEN team collaborated with the online training platform AVT Masterclass, to create an online course introducing you to the basics of audio description. Via online video lessons, tutorials and exercises, you can learn all about audio description at your own pace. At the end of this course you’ll know what makes good audio description, you’ll be familiar with the basic guidelines for writing audio description scripts, and you’ll have heard valuable tips from experts around the globe.
More information is available on the website of AVT Masterclass.
AVT Masterclass: Audio Description Templates (online)
The OPEN team collaborated with the online training platform AVT Masterclass, to create an online course introducing you to templates for audio description. Via online video lessons, tutorials and exercises you’ll learn all about the process of translating audio descriptions from one language into another via templates. At the end of this course, you’ll know how and when to use templates and how to create one.
More information is available on the website of AVT Masterclass.
Accessibility to the Scenic Arts (online)
How do you make an event or performance accessible for everyone? What do you need to take into account and how do you work together with the experts in the field? The OPEN team developed a Massive Open Online Course on Accessibility Management, together with national and international partners of the European ACT project. The project was led by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the MOOC is hosted by the UAB website Coursera. The course lasts 7 weeks, is taught in English, and is completely free of charge.
Sign up on the website of Coursera.
ADLAB PRO: didactic materials for audio description trainers
ADLAB PRO was a three-year (2016-2019) project financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme. Together with various European partners, ADLAB PRO developed a wide range of flexible, didactic materials to train audio describers for film, tv and theater. The didactic materials are available online, free of charge for anyone looking for inspiration to set up an AD course. The ADLAB PRO project was the natural successor of the ADLAB project, in which the first research-based, European guidelines for audio description were developed.
Access the guidelines and didactic materials via the ADLAB project website.
Training made to measure
If you are looking for training in a specific topic, you can also request a training course tailored to your needs by the OPEN team. In consultation with you, we will then determine the content, duration and location of the training.
A classroom on the City campus. The six participants in an audio description workshop and instructor Nina Reviers smile at the camera.
Workshop participants look ahead to the teacher and her sign language interpreter explaining how accessibility managers can get started.
Serenella Massida of the UK looks more over the shoulder of a participant in a cloud subtitling workshop.