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To conclude the PSI-CO project, we organize an online conference on January 21, 2021. During this conference you will hear both from researchers and practitioners how innovation through collaboration can best be achieved. How should the collaboration be managed? But also: what characteristics do innovative organizations have and what role is reserved for the federal government with regard to innovation? This conference consists of three thematic sessions of 90 minutes for which you can register separately.
9:30 – 11:00: Session 1 – Innovation through collaboration: Why, with whom and how to manage it?
By prof. dr. Koen Verhoest (UAntwerpen – PPG / GOVTRUST), Tom Langbroek (UAntwerpen – PPG) and Chesney Callens (UAntwerpen – PPG)
This session starts with a general introduction to collaborative innovation. What is regarded an innovation and why is it becoming increasingly important for public sector organizations to collaborate with other actors to develop these innovations? We present findings on the current state of collaboration for innovation in the federal government and what collaborative arrangements aimed at innovation are composed of.
Next, the important role of management of these arrangements is discussed. We elaborate on best practices from real cases to provide insights in the best ways to manage these networks and to come to the desired innovative results.
The session closes with a panel discussion with practitioners.
Confirmed panelists:
- Tim Weltens, project coordinator for MijnWGK, Wit-Gele Kruis
- Olivia Machiels, advisor-general ad interim RIZIV
- Sandra Schillemans, director general ad interim BOSA
This session is in collaboration with the TROPICO project. TROPICO has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 726840

11:15 - 12:45: Session 2 - Organizational conditions at play in collaborative innovation context
By Charlotte van Dijck (KU Leuven - Instituut voor de overheid), Paulien Lingier (KU Leuven - Instituut voor de overheid), and Tom Langbroek (UAntwerpen – PPG)
Chaired by prof. dr. Trui Steen, (KU Leuven - Instituut voor de overheid)
In this session we present the findings on the organizational conditions at play in a collaborative innovation context. First, we present conditions for innovation at the inside of the organization (such as New ways of Working, organizational culture, red tape,..).
Next, the organizational conditions in relation to the collaborative innovation arrangement are discussed. How can an organization most effectively collaborate for innovation?
A panel of practitioners will reflect on the presented findings.
Confirmed panelists:
- Hendrik Delagrange - SERV
- Josee Goris - POD Maatschappelijke Integratie/ SPP Intégration Sociale
- Marleen Haems - KOVAG
13:30 - 15:00: Session 3 - How to stimulate collaborative innovation in government?
Chaired by prof. dr. Catherine Fallon (ULiège - Spiral) and Stephanie Verlinden (UAntwerpen – PPG)
In this session we will take a closer look at what is needed to stimulate collaborative innovation, across governments as well as with external stakeholders.
First, we will introduce the concept of 'innovation architecture' and its importance in stimulating government-wide innovation.
Next, we will share our findings on the presence of innovation labs, networks, financing and incentives for innovation in different countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Estonia). Practitioners from the Finnish and Dutch government will also share their best practices regarding innovation labs and networks. To conclude, a panel of practitioners from the Belgian federal government will reflect on these insights and how they could be applied in the Belgian context.
Confirmed speakers:
- Kalle Nieminen – Sitra lab (Finland) (current Sitowise)
- Christiaan van den Berg - Ministry of Justice & Security (Netherlands)
Confirmed panelists:
- Frédéric Baervoets - Federal innovation lab NIDO
- Christine Copers - DG Digitale Transformatie
- Johanna Pöykkö - FPS Social Security