Eco(toxico)logical Modelling Lab-Field Extrapolation
Organisation: Radboud University, The Netherlands
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jan Hendriks
Hi, my name is Venja Schoenke and I am from Germany. I did my Master's degree in Environmental systems and resource management in Osnabrueck and specialized in Environmental Modelling. Since I chose chemistry as an applied subject in my bachelor's degree in System science, I have been interested in chemical risk assessment. During my Master's thesis, I worked on the impact of chemical mixtures on individuals with TKTD modelling.
In the QTOX program, I will use my experience to bridge the gap between toxicity tests in the lab and ecologically relevant endpoints in the field as a PhD candidate. My goal is to create a better understanding of the impact of chemicals on biodiversity and bioproductivity such that meaningful decisions can be made regarding the future.