Dynamic energy budget models as the basis for extrapolation of adverse effects from the individual to the population level
Organisation: Ghent University , Belgium
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Karel De Schamphelaere
Hi, I am Marius Schmitt, the Doctoral Candidate 8 of the QTOX Doctoral Network. My work focuses on effect-directed modelling, aiming to extrapolate adverse effects from the individual to the population level using dynamic energy budget models.
Originally from Germany, I have lived and studied in Denmark for the last two years. In the summer of 2022, I graduated with a master’s degree in environmental science from the University of Copenhagen. During my studies, I followed a specialization in chemistry toxicology and health to learn more about the fate and adverse effects of pollutants in the environment, as well as ecotoxicology.
I am excited to be a part of this international research team and looking forward to combining the background knowledge I gained in the master with the modeling aspects of the QTOX Network.