Central European University - Center for Policy Studies - Budapest, Hungary
For more see: http://cps.ceu.edu and www.edumigrom.eu
Relevant publications
Szalai, Julia and Claire Schiff (eds.) (2013) Being ‘Visibly Different’: Post-colonial, Migrant, and Roma Youths in Education across Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.
Kende, Agnes (2013) Normál gyerek, cigány gyerek ['Normal' child, 'Gypsy' child]. In: Esély, 2013/2
Szalai, Julia (2012) A cigány gyerekek iskolai (le)értékeléséről.[On the (down)grading of Roma students at schools]. Iskolakultúra, forthcoming
Szalai, Julia, (ed) (2011) Contested Issues of Social Inclusion through Education in Multiethnic Communities across Europe. EDUMIGROM Final Study, Budapest: Center for Policy Studies, Central European University.
Szalai, Julia, Vera Messing, and Maria Nemenyi (2010). Ethnic and Social Differences in Education in a Comparative Perspective. In: EDUMIGROM Comparative Papers. Budapest: Central European University, Center for Policy Studies.
Kende, Agnes and Agnes Darvas (2010) Egész napos iskola – tapasztalatok és lehetőségek [All Day School – experiences and opportunities]. In: Esély, 2010/3
Szalai, Julia et al. (2008) EDUMIGROM Policy Brief, No.1.: Ethnic Differences in Compulsory Education
Kende, Agnes (2000) The Hungary of Otherness: The Roma (Gypsies) of Hungary. In: Journal of European Area Studies, Vol.8, No.2
Kende, Agnes (2000) The Roma (Gypsies) in Hungary. In: The Cross-National Research Group, European Research Centre, Loughborough University