Erasmus University - Citizenship, Migration and the City (CIMIC), the Netherlands
CIMIC (Citizen Migration and the City) research group analyses the consequences of globalization in terms of new patters of citizenship, human and social mobility and identity formation. EUR/CIMIC is one of the leading research groups in the Netherlands on the topic of migration and ethnic studies. It brings together four research clusters: migration, integration, citizenship and the city. The project fits very well within the center’s ambition to do comparative, transnational, and interdisciplinary research, and its methodology and general approach shows great affinity with EUR/CIMIC’s problem-focused comparative approach. Hence EUR/CIMIC will provide an excellent base for an international comparative project that will involve fieldwork in several countries. The project will be able to benefit greatly from the presence of many international experts (among others Prof. Han Entzinger, Prof. Godfried Engbersen) on comparative research in the EUR/CIMIC research group. The center is also embedded in many national and international research networks, and has extensive institutional collaborations abroad. For instance, its scholars participate in research networks (for instance, in the EU Networks of Excellence IMISCOE) with the City University in New York, UCLA and several EU-financed networks and large-scale projects.
Relevant Publications
M. Crul and J. Mollenkopf (2012), The Changing Face of World Cities. The Second Generation in Western Europe and the United States. New York: Russell Sage Publikations
M. Crul and J. Schneider (2012), The Integration Context Matters. The Second Generation in Europe Compared. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
M. Crul and J. Schneider (2011), Comparative integration context theory: participation and belonging in new diverse European cities. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33, 7, 1249-1268.
M. Crul and J. Schneider (2009) Children of Turkish Immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands. Teachers College Records, 111, 6, 1508-1527.
M. Crul, Adel Pasztor, Frans Lelie, Jonathan Mijs en Philipp Schnell (2009) Valkuilen en Springplanken in het onderwijs. Tweede generatie Turkse jongeren in Europa vergeleken. Den Haag: NICIS.