Stockholm University, Sweden
Relevant publications
Behtoui, Alireza & Anders Neergaard (2010). “Social capital and wage differentials between immigrants and natives”, Work, Employment and Society, Volume 24(4): 761–779
Behtoui, Alireza (2010). “Marriage Patterns of Immigrants in Sweden”, Journal of Comparative Family Studies 41 (3):415-435
Behtoui, Alireza & Anders Neergaard (2009). “Perception of discrimination in recruitment and place of work”, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. 7(4, December):374-369.
Behtoui, Alireza (2008). "Informal Recruitment Methods and Disadvantages of Immigrants in the Swedish Labour Market." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 34(3, April):411-430.
Behtoui, Alireza (2007). "The Distribution and Return of social captial: Evidens from Sweden." European Societies 9:383-407