Publications in national and international journals


EDUCATION IN FLANDERS - Balancing social and economic rationales while tackling early school leaving


EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING IN PORTUGAL - Policies and actors’ interpretations

INTERROGATING EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING, YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT AND NEETS - Understanding local contexts in two English regions

BETWEEN SCHOOL AND WORK - Vocational education and the policy against early school leaving in Poland

Social capital and the educational expectations of young people

How to support and engage students in alternative forms of education and training? A qualitative study of school staff members in Flanders

De invloed van het Europese beleidskader omtrent vroegtijdig schoolverlaten op het Vlaamse onderwijsbeleid nader onderzocht

Early School Leaving and Beyond

La ConstruccionDel abandono Temprano del Escuela como condepto Politico: un analisis en la Sociologia de la Educacion

Age is more than just a number! The role of age and maturity in the processes leading to early school leaving in Flanders (Belgium)

Going to work without educational qualification: school-to-work transitions of early school leavers in Belgium

Long and winding roads: educational decisionmakin of youngsters at risk of early school leaving in Flanders

De-individualising the ‘NEET problem’: An ecological systems analysis

The role of social support in fostering school engagement in urban schools characterised by high risk of early leaving from education and training

The role of religiosity in students’ perceptions of student-teacher relations, school belonging and valuing of education

‘We Hold on to the Ones We Have’: Addressing School Mobility to Facilitate ‘Stable’ Educational Trajectories, a Case-Study of an Urban High School in Flanders.

Comparative perspectives on early school leaving in the European Union. London-New York: Routledge.

Rethinking transition: what happens when young people leave school early?