Policy briefs : Aims and focus
The three policy briefs all share a core part conveying the main research findings of the cross country study, based on Publication 6 (WP5) and will highlight the empirical findings of WP3 (using Project Paper 4, Project Paper 5, Publication 3 & Publication 4) and WP4 (using Publication 5, Publication 6, Project Paper 7 & Project Paper 8).
Policy Brief 1 : New statistical evidence on ESL in 7 country studies
Aim: to describe the main findings from the 7 country studies at the school level to different stakeholders:
- school directors of the participating schools as well as other school directors;
- policy makers that are involved in developing policy measures on the school level;
- NGO’s and project leaders implementing projects aimed at reducing early school leaving at a school level.
Focus on:
- the quantitative and qualitative findings on the school level.
- best practices found and evaluated on the school level
- their relevance within the specific country settings
- possible cross country implementations.
This policy brief will be translated into all the languages of the participating countries.
FINAL POLICY BRIEF N°1 (21/11/2017)
Policy Brief 2 - On national policies on ESL in 9 countries
Aim: to describe the different national policies and the effect of their implementation in schools to different stakeholders on the national and or regional level
Focus on:
- the importance of national or regional institutional arrangements in schools (among which are school system characteristics)
- explaining differences in early school leaving across the 9 countries.
Again the policy brief will be translated in the nine country languages. We aim to reach stakeholders
FINAL POLICY BRIEF N°2 (21/11/2017)
Policy Brief 3 - On tackling ESl at supra-national organisations
Aim: to describe the main findings for supra-national organizations like e.g. the EU (DG Education and Culture), OECD and UNESCO.
Focus on:
- the priorities to combat early school leaving on a European scale
- best practice examples at the school level
- best practice national policies and institutional arrangements identified at the regional or national level.