When you send your sample together with the participation form, you agree that we will send the results of the trial to you and your GP. To send these results, Antwerp University works with a service provider (DaklaPack Clinical Trials) in which Antwerp University has made the necessary arrangements for the protection of your personal data. If you do not want to take part in the ScreenUrSelf trial, you can always have a smear test taken by your GP or your gynaecologist. Through a smear test, precursors of cervical cancer can also be detected.

We will request the results of any additional tests from your GP and the Belgian Cancer Registry. Residues from your sample will be kept for at least 10 years. Unless they have been used up before. We can keep your data (e.g. sample results) for up to 25 years. We use your data and samples only in the context of the Cervical Cancer Screening, process evaluation, the ScreenUrSelf trial and related studies where Antwerp University acts as the data controller or is commissioned by its partners.