It is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of investigation. That way, you can make a conscious choice.


  • Cervical cancer and its precursors can be detected early, before you notice it yourself.
  • By treating preliminary stages, you can prevent cancer. If so, your GP will recommend a simple treatment.
  • The risk of dying from cervical cancer is reduced.


  • No trial provides complete certainty. So if you are experiencing unusual bleeding or other symptoms, see your GP or gynaecologist, even if it has not been three years since you had a smear test.
  • Sometimes the body clears away abnormal cells on its own. Because the doctor cannot always predict this, the pre-stage is treated anyway, just to be on the safe side. In that case, the treatment was actually unnecessary and you have been worried for nothing.

Any questions?

  • Mail to
  • Call the free number 0800 60 160 (every working day from 9am to noon and 1pm to 4pm).
  • Do you have personal questions? Talk about it with your GP or gynaecologist.

You decide whether you want to take part in this trial. Make sure you are properly informed.