Doctoral defense
On 27 August 2021, Stef Espeel successfully defended his doctoral thesis Prices and Crises. The Grain Economy in Fourteenth-Century Flanders. The thesis is not yet available in open access. The author is currently reworking some chapters into publishable article forms. When these articles are published in (open access) journals, the data of the project will also be published on this site.

Members of the jury:
- Prof. Hilde Greefs (Chair, Department of History, University of Antwerp)
- Prof. Tim Soens (promotor, University of Antwerp)
- Prof. Alexis Wilkin (co-promotor, Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Prof. Philipp R. Schofield (Aberystwyth University, UK)
- Prof. Jessica Dijkman (Utrecht University, NED)
- Prof. Peter Stabel (University of Antwerp)
- Prof. Bruno Blondé (University of Antwerp)