Conference presentations and talks held in 2020

Public Health England, Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Conference 2020, 6 February - A poster ‘Heart Health without a Doctor'

Conference presentations and talks in 2019

International EFPC conference (September 2019) and EGPRN-meeting (October 2019) - Presentation of the Antwerp, Belgium situational analysis and qualitative baseline study 


The second International Ellisras and other Non-Communicable Diseases conference 3-5 December 2019, South Africa. - Key Note: Unpacking the Dos and Don’ts in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Experiences from the Uganda SPICES project.   


60th Institute of Tropical Medicine colloquium in Belgium, October 2019 - An abstract from the project situational analysis titled: “Hypertension and diabetes in a struggling health system: Patients’ perspective of challenges and coping mechanisms in two districts in Uganda – a qualitative study” was presented as a poster


EGPRN meeting in VIGO (Spain) in 2019 - Delphine Le Goff, Michele Odorico, Sophie Lalande, Jérémy Derriennic, Jean Yves Le Reste Barriers and facilitators to for cardiovascular primary prevention in a French rural deprived area: exploration of caregivers’ and patients’ experiences by using qualitative interviews. roceedings of EGPRN Vigo 2019; 2019; Vigo, Spain.


CNGE, Nantes, France; 2019 - Delphine Le Goff, Michele Odorico, Sophie, Lalande, Jeremy Derriennic, Jean Yves Le Reste. Barrières et facilitateurs au développement de la prévention cardiovasculaire primaire dans un territoire rural français défavorisé : perceptiondes patients, de leur entourage et des soignants de premier recours.


Ellisras Longitudinal Study on non-communicable diseases Conference which was held at Edupark in Polokwane 3-5th December 2019 

- Rambelani Malema:  A community based cardiovascular disease screening and intervention study using non-laboratory INTERHEART risk score in the Capricorn District, Limpopo Province: Pilot study;

- Tebogo Mothiba: Situational analysis of the CVD burden, policies and practices in Limpopo province, South Africa;

- Nancy Kgatle: Cardiovascular disease burden, contextual factors, policies and management practices in selected rural and peri-urban clinics in Limpopo province, South Africa. 


Conferences presentations and talks 2018

Diabetes and Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention in Europe dissemination meeting of the H2020 Feel4Diabetes project in collaboration with IDF on 24 September 2018 in Brussels. - Presentation of the SPICES project


3rd International Federation of Environmental Health World Academic and 16th Makerere University Environmental Health Student’s Association Annual Scientific Conference, 9th-11th April, 2019, Kampala, Uganda - A Panel discussion titled “Environmental determinants of non-communicable diseases: A case of cardiovascular disease”


2018 Joint Annual Scientific and Health Conference at Makerere University College of Health Sciences, September 2018, Kampala, Uganda - Oral presentation tilted “Patients’ perspective of challenges and coping mechanisms in two districts in Uganda – a qualitative study”


6th Health Systems Global Symposium in Liverpool, United Kingdom (October 2018) - Poster presentations titled “Barriers and opportunities in advancing Uganda’s health system to deal with cardiovascular diseases burden: A case study of two districts” and "Hypertension and diabetes in a struggling health system: Patients’ perspective of challenges and coping mechanisms in two districts in Uganda – a qualitative study"


Nothingham Trent University organised and hosted 'Reverse Knowledge Innovation in Global Health Development', October 2018 - Organization of international public health conference in which discussion of SPICES work featured prominently.