Webinar | 13 May 2025
Entrepreneurship through an Intersectional Lens: Research, Challenges, and Future Directions

STRATEGO Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Sustainability and Trust in EU Multilevel Governance
Given the current tenuous state of trust between institutions and actors at different levels in the EU governance system, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence STRATEGO aims to teach, research and disseminate knowledge on the dynamics, causes and effects of trust between the actors and institutions involved in EU multi-level governance of sustainable development, with a focus on business and entrepreneurship, climate and biodiversity, and health policies. This empirical scope of STRATEGO connects with the UN’s sustainable development goals, the policy priorities of the European Commission and the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme.
STRATEGO will develop interdisciplinary synergies on EU governance, trust and sustainable development by bridging teaching, research and outreach efforts across disciplines at the University of Antwerp. Throughout all activities, STRATEGO will go beyond the usual producers and consumers of EU studies. It will bring EU governance knowledge of the Social Sciences, Law and Economics faculties to students and staff of the Science and Health Sciences faculties, and it will reach out beyond the academic environment to foster a dialogue with professionals, civil society and the general public.
In terms of teaching, STRATEGO will ensure interdisciplinarity through guest lectures, joint supervision of bachelor and master theses and innovative formats such as simulations and micro-credentials. In terms of research, STRATEGO will bring together staff from various disciplines through research seminars, PhD masterclasses and a visiting scheme for early career scholars. In terms of outreach beyond the academic context, STRATEGO will organise activities such as thematic webinars, outreach workshops and activities for specific audiences such as secondary schools. STRATEGO proposes a management structure that guarantees the achievement of the objectives, the quality of the project and sustainable impact beyond the project’s lifespan.
The STRATEGO Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.