In collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences and the FSW Lecture series, the recently launched STRATEGO Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (University of Antwerp) organises its opening lecture with a keynote by Kurt Vandenberghe (DG CLIMA) on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, 16:30 - 19:30h.

About the event
We warmly invite you to the opening lecture of the University of Antwerp's Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence STRATEGO, supported by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the FSW Lecture series. Under the banner of "Sustainability, Trust, and European Multilevel Governance", the STRATEGO Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence serves as a cornerstone for academic dialogue and collaboration in the realm of European studies at the University of Antwerp.
- Introduction to STRATEGO and its core focus "Sustainability, Trust and European Multilevel Governance" – In an era marked by rapid global changes, STRATEGO's commitment to exploring the intersections of sustainability, trust, and European multilevel governance reflects the contemporary challenges and opportunities facing the European Union today. These thematic pillars serve as guiding lights for our academic pursuits and discussions.
- Keynote by Kurt Vandenberghe (DG CLIMA) – We are honoured to have Mr. Kurt Vandenberghe, Director-General of DG CLIMA (European Commission), as our keynote speaker. Mr. Vandenberghe will share his insights on the "Prospects and Challenges for the European Green Deal after the 2024 EP elections". This keynote promises to be a focal point, offering a comprehensive perspective on the future of European climate policy, a topic of paramount importance in our contemporary discourse.
- Q&A – After Mr. Vandenberghe's keynote address, we will open the floor to questions from the audience. This is a unique opportunity to engage directly with our distinguished speaker, delving deeper into the issues raised and expanding our collective understanding.
- Reception – To conclude our event, we invite you to join us for a reception generously hosted by the Faculty of Social Sciences and the FSW Lecture series.
Practical information
- Date & time – Thursday, May 2, 2024, 16:30 - 19:30h
- Venue – University of Antwerp, Stadscampus (city centre), C-building, Room C.001, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp
- Registration – Registration has closed
- Target audience – Students, practitioners, and researchers interested in the EU, climate change, the European Green Deal
About the keynote speaker
Kurt Vandenberghe was appointed Director General of DG CLIMA (Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission) on 16 January 2023. Until then, he was the Green Deal and Health advisor to President Ursula von der Leyen since 1 December 2019. He had joined the cabinet of the President coming from DG Research and Innovation where he was Director for Policy & Programming since 1 February 2016 and Acting Director for Research & Innovation Outreach since 1 June 2019. Before that, he was Director for 'Climate action and resource efficiency' at DG Research and Innovation since July 2013. He served in the Cabinet of Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin (1999-2004) and as Head of the Cabinet of Janez Potočnik, who was Commissioner for Research and Innovation (2004-2009) and subsequently for Environment (from 2010). Kurt joined the European Commission in 1996 as co-ordinator of the Commission’s Intermodal Transport Task Force and of the Transport Research Programme. Before entering the Commission, Kurt worked for 4 years as a manager at Ernst & Young Association Management, where he set up, managed and represented international trade associations. After reading French and Italian literature at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) and obtaining a degree in Public and International Affairs at the University Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL), Kurt gained a Master of Arts degree in International Relations at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (S.A.I.S.) in Bologna, Italy and Washington D.C., US.
About the keynote address
The keynote address is titled "Prospects and Challenges for the European Green Deal after the 2024 EP elections". Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. EU countries are committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050, delivering on the commitments under the Paris Agreement. The European Green Deal is the EU’s strategy for reaching the 2050 goal. The European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring: no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050; economic growth decoupled from resource use; and no person and no place left behind. The European Green Deal is a package of policy initiatives, which aims to set the EU on the path to a green transition, with the ultimate goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2050. It supports the transformation of the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern and competitive economy. It underlines the need for a holistic and cross-sectoral approach in which all relevant policy areas contribute to the ultimate climate-related goal. The package includes initiatives covering the climate, the environment, energy, transport, industry, agriculture and sustainable finance – all of which are strongly interlinked. (