Debating EU and International Environmental Policy: From Agenda Setting to Implementation

The STRATEGO Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence organises several outreach activities with the aim to raise awareness and foster engagement among a wider audience and promote an enhanced understanding of EU governance on sustainable development. For this purpose, STRATEGO organises thematic webinars addressing issues or challenges related to sustainability, trust, and European governance. These webinars will feature STRATEGO members and externally invited experts, targeting a broad audience, including students, academics, policymakers, and practitioners, and will encourage active participation and feedback from attendees.

Join us for an insightful webinar on "Debating EU and International Environmental Policy: From Agenda Setting to Implementation".  This first webinar in STRATEGO's thematic series will explore the key stages of EU and international environmental policymaking, including the initial agenda-setting as well as the practical challenges faced during implementation. We’ll discuss how interest groups shape the EU's political agenda (Frederik Stevens) and the role of environmental conflict resolution (Andreas Corcaci). Whether you're involved in policy, academia, or advocacy, this webinar offers a valuable opportunity to engage with critical debates driving the international environmental agenda.


12:00 | Welcome

  • By professor Peter Bursens, coordinator of the STRATEGO Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

12:10 | Presentation 1 followed by Q&A

  • Title – How interest groups secured influence over the European Green Deal agenda 
  • Presenter – Frederik Stevens is a PhD Student and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Political Science, and member of the research groups International Politics and Politics & Public Governance at the University of Antwerp. His research focuses on interest groups; money and networks in politics; and EU public policy and politics.

12:40 | Presentation 2 followed by Q&A

  • Title – European and International Governance and Implementation of Environmental Obligations
  • Presenter – Andreas Corcaci is a Senior Researcher and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Antwerp engaged in research that incorporates political and legal aspects by focusing on multilevel (judicial) governance and administration, in particular questions of implementation and coordination in environmental, energy, and climate policy. Methodologically, he uses concept structures and (temporal) set theoretic multi-method research, closely linking concepts and empirical analysis to explore different explanatory pathways and assess change over time. He was a Visiting Researcher at Kobe University, teaching a lecture course on European Integration and a seminar on set theoretic methods. Before, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. He has a Dr. phil. from Technische Universität Darmstadt with a dissertation on compliance in the European Union using Qualitative Comparative Analysis.

13:10 | General discussion

13:30 | End

Practical information

  • Date & time – Friday, October 25, 2024, 12:00 - 13:30h CET
  • Venue – Online, via the Microsoft Teams platform. You will receive the meeting link closer to the event date (and after registration).
  • Registration – Participation is free, but registration is required for reasons of logistics. Please register through the following link.
  • Target audience – Researchers, policymakers, practitioners, students interested in the EU