Every year, the STRATEGO Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence welcomes visiting scholars. They are offered the opportunity to conduct their research at STRATEGO and to participate at the Centre’s activities. Specifically, the programme is targeted at early-career researchers working within STRATEGO’s areas of research and wishing to conduct a short research visit at University of Antwerp.

STRATEGO aims to develop a joint research agenda on sustainability, trust and European multi-level governance with the purpose of generating knowledge and insights in support of EU policymaking. In this context, STRATEGO is committed to hosting external early-career researchers for short research visits of up to 2 months at the University of Antwerp. There will be a two-way transfer of knowledge between the visiting scholars and the STRATEGO Centre, benefiting from each other’s expertise. Visiting scholars will be hosted by one of the participating research groups. STRATEGO will fund travel and accommodation costs up to € 1.600,00 for each of the selected candidates. STRATEGO will also offer office space and full access to campus facilities. Each year, following a call, up to 5 candidates will be selected for a research visit.

If you are interested in a research visit at the STRATEGO Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, please look out for the 2025 call to be launched in the fall of this year.

Visiting researchers 2024

Dionys Zink


Dionys Zink is a doctoral researcher at Ludwigs-Maximilians University in Munich (Germany). Currently, he is working in the ERC Horizon 2020 funded ACCUPOL project. Among others, the project and his dissertation address the question of how government agencies deal with policy accumulation. Prior to joining Prof. Dr. Christoph Knill and his team as a researcher, he obtained Master's degrees from Ludwigs-Maximilians University and Stockholm University.

In September 2024, Dionys is hosted by STRATEGO and the Politics & Public Governance research group under the supervision of prof. Koen Verhoest.

Marie-Charlott Petersdorf

​Marie-Charlott Petersdorf is a PhD candidate at the Animal Ecology and Physiology Department of the Radboud University in Nijmegen (Netherlands). Her PhD project focuses mainly on the restoration of old oak forests, a N2000 Habitat type (H9190), which suffers from decades of extensive Nitrogen deposition. 

In September 2024, Marie-Charlott is hosted by STRATEGO and the Plant and Ecosystems (PLECO) research group under the supervision of prof. Sara Vicca.

Marie-Thérèse Wilhelm

Marie-Thérèse Wilhem is a PhD candidate at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (Spain). Her research broadly ties together multilevel implementation dynamics with subnational administrative capacity, politics, and legitimacy of the EU and its policies. In her PhD thesis, she examines noncompliance to EU environmental directives from a multilevel perspective, for which one of the theoretical explanations on why implementation faulters and can lead to noncompliance is a lack of legitimacy of the EU and its policies in the Member states. She holds a B.A. in Political Theory & Constitutional Democracy, a B.A. in French language, and a minor degree in Philosophy and Law. She obtained a Trilingual Master’s degree in European and International Relations from the European Institute: Centre International de Formation Européen. Previously, she has worked with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in the Policies and Standards Branch as an Individual Consultant in the New York office. Marie-Thérèse also holds the degree qualification of Policy Officer in European and International Organizations recognized by the French state at level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework EQF.

From September to December 2024, Marie-Thérèse is hosted by STRATEGO and the Politics & Public Governance research group under the supervision of prof. Peter Bursens.

Francisco Javier Romero Caro

​Francisco Javier Romero Caro (PhD) is Senior Researcher at the Eurac Research Institute for Comparative Federalism in Bolzano/Bozen (Italy). He has served as an international expert at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and for CMI in Moldova. His research interests encompass fiscal federalism, the territorial distribution of powers in multilevel systems (with a special focus on federal states) and the territorial integration of national minorities in secessionist contexts such as Canada or Spain. He won the XVII "Manuel Giménez Abad" Award and the European Commission awarded him with the Seal of Excellence in the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie call in a joint application with Eurac Research in a project on fiscal federalism and diversity accommodation. He has been a visiting researcher at the CEPC, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law, the University of Ottawa and the University of Edinburgh. He is author of peer-reviewed articles such as Equalization and territorial integration in Canada: a nation building instrument? (Perspectives on Federalism), The Quasi-federal System of Spain (Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism), La reforma del proceso de selección y nombramiento de los magistrados del Tribunal Supremo de Canadá: el caso particular de Quebec (Teoría y Realidad Constitucional), Senado y sistema federal en Canadá: ¿imposibilidad de una reforma deseable? (Revista de Estudios Políticos) and The Spanish vision of Canada’s Clarity Act: from idealization to myth (Perspectives on Federalism).

In October 2024, Francisco is hosted by STRATEGO and the Government & Law research group under the supervision of prof. Patricia Popelier.

Julia Trautendorfer

​​Julia Trautendorfer is a PhD Candidate of Economic and Social Sciences at the Institute of Public and Nonprofit Management at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. In her dissertation she focuses on the interplay between citizens information demand, government transparency and digital technologies. Specifically, she researches how the usage of digital platforms can enhance and improve transparency and compliance to freedom of information. She holds a MSc in International Business from the University of Vienna and a BSc in Economic and Social Sciences from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.

In October 2024, Julia is hosted by STRATEGO, the GOVTRUST Centre of Excellence and the Politics & Public Governance research group under the supervision of prof. Koen Verhoest.

Anton Berezutskii

Anton Berezutskii is a PhD student in Public Policy at the Central European University (CEU), Vienna. His dissertation focuses on studying advocacy coalitions in the German natural gas sector. In particular, he focused on groups associated with the proliferation of the Russian pipeline gas supply in recent decades and seeks to answer the question of why Germany became so dependent on a single supplier and how this affected its energy security. For his research, he applies a mixed-methods approach and uses process tracing, discourse and social network analysis.

From October to November 2024, Anton is hosted by STRATEGO and the International Politics research group under the supervision of prof. Dirk De Bièvre.