In terms of teaching, STRATEGO aims to unlock the expertise on EU multi-level governance and trust in the faculties of Social Science and Law to create synergies with the expertise on climate, biodiversity, health and entrepreneurship in the faculties of Science, Medicine and Health and Business and Economics. By focusing on European governance in multiple areas of sustainable development, and its subsequent interdisciplinary approach, the STRATEGO Centre pursues the objective to reach students from faculties that are less explicitly dealing with EU issues, or not directly taking into consideration the related governance and trust issues. This will reinforce mutual understanding and insights. The shared educational environment will help to shape a new generation of experts who can consider the benefits of EU cooperation in their future teaching, research and professional careers.

STRATEGO’s teaching activities will be subject to the overall teaching philosophy and quality assurance mechanisms of UAntwerp, which focuses on, inter alia, activating, student-centred and competence-based teaching. Other guiding principles are internationalisation, interdisciplinarity and quality control. All EU-related courses are offered within this context. STRATEGO’s explicit aim is to bring together different disciplines and to reach students beyond the core disciplines, which fits well into the general objectives of the university. 

STRATEGO’s achievement indicators for the teaching programme will focus on the stimulation of interdisciplinary teaching on the EU. By focusing on the theme of sustainability, trust and European governance, STRATEGO reaches broader student audiences than the obvious disciplines of political science, public administration, economics and law through the involvement of biology and health and medicine. Achievement indicators include an increase of students in EU-related courses, cross-disciplinary guest lectures, summer school participants and jointly supervised or evaluated bachelor/master theses.

Teaching activities

2-5 January 2025 | EUROSIM 2025
  • EUROSIM’ is a student simulation of the legislative process of the European Union. It was founded in 1988 at Brockport SUNY, USA and takes place on an annual basis since. Starting from 1992 this four-day simulation exercise is carried out in either a European or US-American location. Each edition of the simulation aims at educating students about currently relevant and pressing issues within EU policy-making. EUROSIM allows the participants to gain a unique experience of what it means to be a decision-maker. The simulation is organised and run by the Trans-Atlantic Consortium for European Union Studies & Simulations (TACEUSS). The University of Antwerp and the STRATEGO Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence are pleased to host the 2025 edition of EUROSIM from 2 to 5 January 2025 in Antwerp, Belgium.
19-23 August 2024 | Summer School

14 Mar 2024 | EU simulation game in secondary school
  • Peter Bursens, coordinator of STRATEGO, facilitated a EU simulation game in a Flemish secondary school. The EU simulation game is offered as a free learning package to secondary schools in Flanders.
14 Dec 2023 | Guest lecture European Green Deal
  • Hans Bruyninckx, former director of the European Environmental Agency and currently University of Antwerp, gave a lecture on the European Green Deal in the course 'European Integration'.