Implementation of Water Framework Directive
In an essayistic style, we compared the Netherlands and Flanders with regard to their implementation of the Water Framework Directive.
- Crabbé, A. en M. Wiering (2010), ‘Schildpad of haas? Implementatie van de Kaderrichtlijn Water in Nederland en Vlaanderen’, p. 49-58 in: van der Arend,
- S. et al., Tien jaar ervaring met de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water: ambities en ambivalenties. Delft: Eburon.
Further, we made a comparison between Denmark, France, England/Wales and the Netherlands with regard to their implementation of the Water Framework Directive.
- Bourblanc, M., A. Crabbé, D. Liefferink and M. Wiering (2013), ‘The marathon of the hare and the tortoise: implementing the EU Water Framework Directive’ in: Journal of environmental planning and management, p. 1449-1467.