The relationship between law and development continues to be a key issue of debate both in academia and policy circles. Law’s impact on development outcomes across the globe through the rules of trade and investment becomes ever clearer in the face of intensifying global transactions and interactions. Against this background, what are the potential and limits of law in addressing sustainable development and global justice concerns in a globalized world? SUSTJUSTICE tackles this question by providing key conceptual and analytical tools to gain in depth knowledge of and critically assess the interplay between law and development.
The programme offers high quality teaching and learning in a dynamic environment, paying attention to South-North as well as the South-South interactions. Development is not conceived in unidirectional terms (from North to South) but as a process characterised by complex social, political and economic interactions across the globe where Southern actors play and ought to play roles as important as Northern ones. Key themes explored will include not only human rights implementation and development cooperation but also standard-setting on human rights and sustainable development for the future.
Please note that SUSTJUSTICE is a full-time intensive programme that cannot be combined with part-time work. Know more about the courses included in the programme here.
What the alumni say...
Ndiyun Robert Kosho, Cameroon, Sustlaw 2018 Alumna
"SUSTLAW is an enriching opportunity for me since it emphasizes not only on theories but also hand-on experience through site visits, moot courts and role plays. I learnt the abounding legal knowledge and was provided with critical reflection on the connections of law and development. I was particularly interested in the lectures on Gender and Law, Feminist philosophy of Law and our project week, which benefited the most my work in gender and development. I strongly recommend the program for those who want to advance their thinking and career in sustainable development and global justice."
Hanh Tran, Vietnam, 2019 SUSTJUSTICE Alumna