Sustainable Development and Global Justice is designed to bring together a very diverse student body in a highly interactive environment that aims to stimulate the participants’ own work and research.
The programme has a clear emphasis on collaborative team teaching as evidenced by the introductory and final weeks, which are designed as collective teaching and project weeks. The programme also targets to enhance the participant's intercultural and interdisciplinary communication and working competence by encouraging interaction among participants in the classroom and through assignments that require group work.
The introductory week will serve as an orientation to foster a strong sense of collective learning among the participants and prepare them for the upcoming interactive learning experience through the four courses.
The final week is the project week that brings together the learning from the four courses and will focus on developing the writing, presentation and argument skills of the participants to help them in synthesizing the knowledge they will have acquired through the four courses and in applying this knowledge to simulated real-life situations.
- The programme will be based on dialogue between experts and the participants rather than frontal teaching. In this way, the programme will move beyond conventional hierarchical teaching methods and adopt those based on interaction and collaboration not only between the lecturers and the participants but also among participants.
- It also offers strong input from voices from the South, in all four courses, where lecturers from the South are invited to co-teach parts of the programme and to test the participants' knowledge and skills.
- The teaching will feature a “flipped classroom” approach whereby background reading materials that will be provided to the participants will be studied outside of the classroom and the classes will serve to really engage with issues through discussion, debate and case studies where applicable.
What alumni say...
Eric Kinchi Kindong, Cameroon, Sustlaw 2019 alumna