Workshop interests

Would you like to explore how to leverage your interests during your (post)doctoral journey and while planning your future career? The Talent Center invites you to a half-day workshop where we will work with an innovative career tool. This tool helps you map your interests and explore which tasks and activities align best with them.

Why is this tool useful for you?

This tool provides you with a clear overview of your interests. Interests are not static: they can change and develop through interaction with your work environment. That's why it's useful to map them and review them at different time points to gain better insight into what works for you. Whether you're at the beginning of your PhD or in the middle of your postdoctoral research, it's valuable to reflect on how your current work shapes your interests and what future opportunities may arise from this.

Why think about your interests? 

By understanding your interests, you can better align your work with what energizes and satisfies you. Work that aligns with your interests leads to greater job satisfaction, productivity, and well-being. Whether you're seeking new challenges, wanting to improve your current role, or considering adjusting your career direction, understanding your interests helps you make thoughtful and deliberate decisions.

What can you expect? 

When you register for the workshop, you will gain access to the tool and be able to use it before the session. During the workshop we will discuss the theoretical background of the tool and reflect on your personal results. Additionally, we will discuss how you can apply these insights to your daily work and in planning your next career steps.

Practical information

The workshop for PhD candidates will take place on Friday, November 22nd, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, the one for postdocs on Tuesday, December 10th, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Register via Make sure to mention the workshop (date) that you are subscribing for. Once you are successfully registered, you will get a confirmation. Two weeks before the workshop you will receive a code for the career tool. Places are limited; a 'first come, first served' principle will be applied.