A voice within the university can use its own campaign style within the UAntwerp house style for a particular activity. A campaign is an event that takes place on a regular basis. A campaign can also be an external event organised in collaboration with the university.
Each campaign channel has its own characteristics and limitations. The house style guidelines are followed (page layout, logo, font, etc.), with the addition of the campaign title and campaign image (photo, illustration). In e-mail and web applications, it is best not to add text on top of the campaign image.
Example of a fictitious campaign
Social media
Dynamics mail
Dynamics newsletter
There are numerous different collaborations within our university. How much of UAntwerp's house style is used depends on the partner's involvement. If UAntwerp takes the lead in the collaboration, the house style rules will be applied, with the addition of the partner's logo. If your organisation consists of several partners, contact communicatie@uantwerpen.be, and we will look for graphic solutions together. After all, too many logos fragment the effectiveness of the message. If we have no control over the style, but communicate about the collaboration through our channels, we can still provide a minimum of our house style.
Each channel has its possibilities and limitations.
- PowerPoint: do not add the partner logo on every slide, but create one partner slide.
- Website: do not add logos or text on top of the images. You can add the partner logo at the bottom of the web page or provide a partner page.
- Social media: do not add the partner logos on top of the main image. You can add them on the follow-up image.
- Mail: do not add logos or text on top of the images. You can add the partner logo at the bottom.
Example of a fictitious campaign with partner
Dynamics e-mail
Social media