Profile picture and name

Profile picture

As a university, we are active on various social media. The profile picture (or avatar) is important on these platforms.

We use a uniform corporate 'U' without text, neatly aligned in the circle.

Each faculty now has a uniform profile picture in the approved faculty colour.

Be sure to use the right file for your avatar. These files are custom made.

Profile name

In order to convey the image of a coherent community, all page names should follow the same pattern, as in the example below: 

  • Facebook:  UAntwerp - Faculty of Business and Economics 
  • Instagram @uantwerpenfbe

Templates for social media

We use the Canva graphic design platform as a tool for all our social media assets. The social media templates in line with the new visual identity are available in the folder 'UAntwerpen - Nieuwe Templates'. 

Please note that only Canva PRO users have access to these templates. By default, every faculty and central service has a Canva PRO account. If you want to find the person who manages the PRO account for your department or faculty, or if you want to request a Canva PRO account for yourself, please contact​

There are several types of templates.

Setting your faculty-specific colour

By default, all templates use the standard UAntwerp red. To change the colour to your faculty-specific colour, click on the area you want to change. Click 'Color' at the top left, and then select your faculty's colour under 'New House Style Colours' on the left. The colour is now adjusted in the post.


Getting started with social media templates in Canva

Find out how easy it is to create your own social media images and videos with the templates in Canva.