VIDEO: Educational credit

Participating in courses, conferences or summer schools can cost a significant amount of money. The Antwerp Doctoral School provides a virtual financial backpack in the form of educational credit to ensure that you can undertake activities in Belgium and abroad on your own initiative.
Only applications that meet the reimbursement requirements and are submitted via the correct reimbursement procedure are eligible for a reimbursement. Find out more about which costs can be reimbursed.
Please note that only PhD researchers who follow the doctoral programme are entitled to this financial support.
How much?
PhD researchers who are enrolled at the University of Antwerp and who are following the complete doctoral study programme are entitled to receive educational credit worth € 1,500 in total during their PhD. The educational credit is available until the end of the academic year in which the public defence takes place.
Each academic year, € 500 is added to your balance, so you'll have € 500 at your disposal during your first year, (max.) € 1,000 during your second year, and (max.) € 1,500 in your third PhD year. When you use money to fund an activity, this amount is deducted from your educational credit.
Annual maximum amount at your disposal:
- first academic year of enrolment (AY0): max. € 500
- AY0+1: max. € 1,000
- AY0+2 and following years: max. € 1,500
E.g. Imagine that you first enrolled as a PhD student in academic year 2021-2022. In that academic year (AY0), you use € 275 of your educational credit. This means that in academic year 2022-2023 (AY0+1) you have a maximum of € 725 of educational credit at your disposal. The annual maximum amount of AY0+1 (€ 1,000) is reduced by the € 275 that you have already spent.
How to consult?
You can consult the status of your educational credit via the SisA self-service (for more information, consult the helpdesk). Reimbursement applications that have been approved by the Antwerp Doctoral School will automatically appear in your overview.